
We sustain your health, growth and education through Wellbeing Advisor Groups, where you receive ongoing support to take action in your club.

Wellbeing Advisor Groups (WAGs) are one or more Wellbeing Advisors who have completed or are in the process of completing Mental Health First Aid training.

A Wellbeing Advisor - even a well-equipped Wellbeing Advisor - who is not supported is at risk of the impacts of trauma and mental health issues while helping others. Maintaining the health and safety of Wellbeing Advisors is vital. Wellbeing Advisor Groups support each other as they share, learn, respond, and provide appropriate care.

Grassroots participation is essential for understanding the needs of clubs and the communities they serve. Delivering appropriate support and growing a movement of like-minded individuals ready to be trained in Mental Health First Aid increases everyone’s access to support.